Time : 10:46:55 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 10478, customer_name: rohit, email_addr: rohitginotra09@gmail.com, phone_numbe' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 10478, customer_name: rohit, email_addr: rohitginotra09@gmail.com, phone_number: 7014602288, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 6/23a tilak nager, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 6/23A, Block 6, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 28.6416072, longitude: 77.10324609999999, status: 1, android_device_id: eajIFS5tQMKKQHGeCJnS_z:APA91bGJnZMd_iRSR1hvjkfm94zp_Qc1YomNvSG6HuPH611o-MLrUqmKHN0U3LdVLQyTH16fmG2swkc2Ub5dGQgV7qCYuJWJRt17ATfWONJG0bKMMNodzur0oX_VP7AAgbKMJSuUj6Pf, ios_device_id: eajIFS5tQMKKQHGeCJnS_z:APA91bGJnZMd_iRSR1hvjkfm94zp_Qc1YomNvSG6HuPH611o-MLrUqmKHN0U3LdVLQyTH16fmG2swkc2Ub5dGQgV7qCYuJWJRt17ATfWONJG0bKMMNodzur0oX_VP7AAgbKMJSuUj6Pf, created_at: 2024-01-12 00:26:35, updated_at: 2024-01-12 00:26:35} Time : 08:29:11 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11489, customer_name: Debojyoti Paul Choudhury, email_addr: debojyoti714@gmail' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11489, customer_name: Debojyoti Paul Choudhury, email_addr: debojyoti714@gmail.com, phone_number: 8794067606, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 2nd floor / B32, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 12-2-709/1A/3, Karol Bagh Society, Karol Bagh, Padmanabha Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 17.3895111, longitude: 78.42879, status: 1, android_device_id: dOoWOu9iT32_dTxNA5QLXi:APA91bGvwtKXcWOHAfiutIKd6EoEEWoQY9RwfMW6DBGEo-YTMwlThR-zmwO4R8jIPmRgptEiwOMcFmzt8SLRpohWxpP_Pao2ZVrg0KtvPwmcDv6Ov6gkTjFyXnhgOhkyy4WV9qvmivHF, ios_device_id: dOoWOu9iT32_dTxNA5QLXi:APA91bGvwtKXcWOHAfiutIKd6EoEEWoQY9RwfMW6DBGEo-YTMwlThR-zmwO4R8jIPmRgptEiwOMcFmzt8SLRpohWxpP_Pao2ZVrg0KtvPwmcDv6Ov6gkTjFyXnhgOhkyy4WV9qvmivHF, created_at: 2024-01-21 19:02:10, updated_at: 2024-01-21 19:02:10, insta_count: 0} Time : 04:25:33 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:25:33','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','6.0') Time : 04:18:39 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:18:39','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','6.0') Time : 04:15:25 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:15:25','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','6.0') Time : 04:14:49 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:49','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:14:45 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:45','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:14:39 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:39','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:14:34 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:34','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:14:33 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:33','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:14:21 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:21','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:14:14 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:14:14','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0') Time : 04:13:59 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai C' at line 1 Raw SQL : INSERT INTO `user_searches`( `user_id`, `type`, `work_type`, `house_size`, `members`, `gender`, `date_time`,`address`,`hours`) VALUES ('9818325053','0','Cleaning','1','','Female','2024-02-18 04:13:59','302 ' 3 Rd Floor Sumridhi Appts,Saat Rasta,25A, Sane Guruji Marg, RTO Colony, Mumbai Central, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400011, India','4.0')