Time : 16:53:51 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 10952, customer_name: twinkle dang, email_addr: dangdeepansha78@gmail.com, pho' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 10952, customer_name: twinkle dang, email_addr: dangdeepansha78@gmail.com, phone_number: 7838290242, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 25,pkt-5, mayur vihar phase 1, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 16A, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar, Delhi, 110091, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 28.612924, longitude: 77.2937907, status: 1, android_device_id: c4wW-h5jSD646wYsA4p8_9:APA91bFHkPaFxqjtFBZyLNvDn1uLe0X9WVLKbIFYSZtTCem2HKmEbX1LZpA2E1xhGvnqtsvU-xiMe_VPuaU7ieWpO9U4ExzQOsFvikvAEqbE_WAfZ7slhEvThny7hzxpdnrrrNyfVmAD, ios_device_id: c4wW-h5jSD646wYsA4p8_9:APA91bFHkPaFxqjtFBZyLNvDn1uLe0X9WVLKbIFYSZtTCem2HKmEbX1LZpA2E1xhGvnqtsvU-xiMe_VPuaU7ieWpO9U4ExzQOsFvikvAEqbE_WAfZ7slhEvThny7hzxpdnrrrNyfVmAD, created_at: 2024-01-16 05:05:05, updated_at: 2024-01-16 05:05:05} Time : 16:31:07 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 16:31:06 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 16:29:00 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 10534, customer_name: Ramya Vijayakumar , email_addr: ramyas20101998@gmail.com' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 10534, customer_name: Ramya Vijayakumar , email_addr: ramyas20101998@gmail.com, phone_number: 9841992388, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: no 7, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 45JW 462, Sakthi Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600099, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 13.1302075, longitude: 80.1954133, status: 1, android_device_id: eDqZLgMLR4i-c1EuqowpDV:APA91bFxkLCfTUh8pk_CP5X66F1cp0DbfB2VU1cvRTUM0Gv880x3Po44OqMBfUcw9JfZFs5xvPjFp8FQ67JQlOC39voXdB_wRWRWOL8odmF0D20QyzHE3MhMv8-jpJOs3Kt3YQG3B-uC, ios_device_id: eDqZLgMLR4i-c1EuqowpDV:APA91bFxkLCfTUh8pk_CP5X66F1cp0DbfB2VU1cvRTUM0Gv880x3Po44OqMBfUcw9JfZFs5xvPjFp8FQ67JQlOC39voXdB_wRWRWOL8odmF0D20QyzHE3MhMv8-jpJOs3Kt3YQG3B-uC, created_at: 2024-01-12 15:03:57, updated_at: 2024-01-12 15:03:57} Time : 09:08:29 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11618, customer_name: Niti Upadhyay , email_addr: upadhyay.niti@rediffmail.com' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11618, customer_name: Niti Upadhyay , email_addr: upadhyay.niti@rediffmail.com, phone_number: 8287315601, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: flat no.205, kapil Kaushalya apartment,Shilpa serene County, pothireddypally, Sangareddy , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: H3MP 7CQ, Pothreddipalle, Telangana 502285, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 17.5837508, longitude: 78.0865207, status: 1, android_device_id: clrVeYY9Rtq-tcJ0JYgiuo:APA91bFGsENpdAizHXV3QKw2N9NmHAy4KN3iDWPNqGFdmJTeykDXzZNdzb12odiEqvRJYwP7iuFZKYsjVkNVFntv7UE6ALiQKZGELOvdN_aHaIzHKDC8zghsySqTujOpPwu-YC-lOc2D, ios_device_id: clrVeYY9Rtq-tcJ0JYgiuo:APA91bFGsENpdAizHXV3QKw2N9NmHAy4KN3iDWPNqGFdmJTeykDXzZNdzb12odiEqvRJYwP7iuFZKYsjVkNVFntv7UE6ALiQKZGELOvdN_aHaIzHKDC8zghsySqTujOpPwu-YC-lOc2D, created_at: 2024-01-23 11:08:43, updated_at: 2024-01-23 11:08:43, insta_count: 0} Time : 09:08:15 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11618, customer_name: Niti Upadhyay , email_addr: upadhyay.niti@rediffmail.com' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11618, customer_name: Niti Upadhyay , email_addr: upadhyay.niti@rediffmail.com, phone_number: 8287315601, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: flat no.205, kapil Kaushalya apartment,Shilpa serene County, pothireddypally, Sangareddy , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: H3MP 7CQ, Pothreddipalle, Telangana 502285, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 17.5837508, longitude: 78.0865207, status: 1, android_device_id: clrVeYY9Rtq-tcJ0JYgiuo:APA91bFGsENpdAizHXV3QKw2N9NmHAy4KN3iDWPNqGFdmJTeykDXzZNdzb12odiEqvRJYwP7iuFZKYsjVkNVFntv7UE6ALiQKZGELOvdN_aHaIzHKDC8zghsySqTujOpPwu-YC-lOc2D, ios_device_id: clrVeYY9Rtq-tcJ0JYgiuo:APA91bFGsENpdAizHXV3QKw2N9NmHAy4KN3iDWPNqGFdmJTeykDXzZNdzb12odiEqvRJYwP7iuFZKYsjVkNVFntv7UE6ALiQKZGELOvdN_aHaIzHKDC8zghsySqTujOpPwu-YC-lOc2D, created_at: 2024-01-23 11:08:43, updated_at: 2024-01-23 11:08:43, insta_count: 0} Time : 09:07:55 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11618, customer_name: Niti Upadhyay , email_addr: upadhyay.niti@rediffmail.com' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11618, customer_name: Niti Upadhyay , email_addr: upadhyay.niti@rediffmail.com, phone_number: 8287315601, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: flat no.205, kapil Kaushalya apartment,Shilpa serene County, pothireddypally, Sangareddy , customer_area: , landmark: null, city: H3MP 7CQ, Pothreddipalle, Telangana 502285, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 17.5837508, longitude: 78.0865207, status: 1, android_device_id: clrVeYY9Rtq-tcJ0JYgiuo:APA91bFGsENpdAizHXV3QKw2N9NmHAy4KN3iDWPNqGFdmJTeykDXzZNdzb12odiEqvRJYwP7iuFZKYsjVkNVFntv7UE6ALiQKZGELOvdN_aHaIzHKDC8zghsySqTujOpPwu-YC-lOc2D, ios_device_id: clrVeYY9Rtq-tcJ0JYgiuo:APA91bFGsENpdAizHXV3QKw2N9NmHAy4KN3iDWPNqGFdmJTeykDXzZNdzb12odiEqvRJYwP7iuFZKYsjVkNVFntv7UE6ALiQKZGELOvdN_aHaIzHKDC8zghsySqTujOpPwu-YC-lOc2D, created_at: 2024-01-23 11:08:43, updated_at: 2024-01-23 11:08:43, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:50:39 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11381, customer_name: sid, email_addr: bsiddhant9@gmail.com, phone_number: 831' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11381, customer_name: sid, email_addr: bsiddhant9@gmail.com, phone_number: 8318659480, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 15/295 civil lines, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 295/C, Purana Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208001, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 26.4749944, longitude: 80.3493682, status: 1, android_device_id: cpi2QwLdSdiBsyZs1eE7y7:APA91bG-qUA_qwyBKi2WK4MgpiNXbatUiNXdbnTDZL4aWJLY2z9JjnxYdnsAXulIipvyFXhaccruzXpu280bNfgq7wEHF5sAXFO4Dh85lmJcasNS9ny7VuYkMoQZ2YTtpvOlb4YCC8-H, ios_device_id: cpi2QwLdSdiBsyZs1eE7y7:APA91bG-qUA_qwyBKi2WK4MgpiNXbatUiNXdbnTDZL4aWJLY2z9JjnxYdnsAXulIipvyFXhaccruzXpu280bNfgq7wEHF5sAXFO4Dh85lmJcasNS9ny7VuYkMoQZ2YTtpvOlb4YCC8-H, created_at: 2024-01-20 15:24:36, updated_at: 2024-01-20 15:24:36, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:17 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:16 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:15 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:15 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:15 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:13 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:09 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:09 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:08 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:08 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:08 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:29:00 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:28:58 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 08:27:59 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com,' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11837, customer_name: Dr Pushpraj Anand , email_addr: dr.pushpraj27@gmail.com, phone_number: 8003891990, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: ashiana Nagar Phase 1,patna, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Dr Pushpraj Anand MBBS, MD (MEDICINE)-Shashi Health Care, near SBI ATM, Ashiyana Nagar, Ashiana Naga, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 25.6204148, longitude: 85.08152199999999, status: 1, android_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, ios_device_id: c1rEGkFNRzSCO0LwBdZgEs:APA91bFDc3uAGod2qKVKLyABvT1lhXEzxsNBi234OJzmY8rlvDv-1qZFBWPyM8Ps7tatK984o4agPY6uGm8nacDFbVqGFNjCABrqj0sBOQRmBubyhKjMTNFvRVZrszu-93Fxi-1vjEfN, created_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, updated_at: 2024-01-25 13:57:58, insta_count: 0} Time : 06:38:36 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 10572, customer_name: Suresh, email_addr: sureshebhat6@gmail.com, phone_number' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 10572, customer_name: Suresh, email_addr: sureshebhat6@gmail.com, phone_number: 9900599948, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 1061, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 1060, 5th Main Rd, D-Block, 2nd Stage, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560010, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 13.0006659, longitude: 77.5544944, status: 1, android_device_id: f_87qdVHRyimtmhl0lghXm:APA91bFNhAdMSiVyuwV9djuKI663aJxGryWWew5dsz8JFEOI5o9NkioqOY9J9XZEVn961h5m0-8j14JguRIb14FvZM3HUj_BoiBmOHGIATalMDVRdLDXOHrGgyV6Ke5lUAj49M66yxDy, ios_device_id: f_87qdVHRyimtmhl0lghXm:APA91bFNhAdMSiVyuwV9djuKI663aJxGryWWew5dsz8JFEOI5o9NkioqOY9J9XZEVn961h5m0-8j14JguRIb14FvZM3HUj_BoiBmOHGIATalMDVRdLDXOHrGgyV6Ke5lUAj49M66yxDy, created_at: 2024-01-12 21:29:16, updated_at: 2024-01-12 21:29:16} Time : 05:44:38 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:38 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:38 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:37 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:37 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:36 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:36 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:35 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:28 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:28 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:28 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:28 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:28 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:26 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:23 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:44:22 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:36:14 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11486, customer_name: Bindu, email_addr: Jobiba9e@ymail.com, phone_number: 949' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11486, customer_name: Bindu, email_addr: Jobiba9e@ymail.com, phone_number: 9493428793, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 102, Vijaya Sai Residency, Sarala Nagar, Ranveermarg, Tenali, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: 32-1-17/2B, Sarala Nagar St, Kopalle, Angalakuduru, Tenali, Angalakuduru, Andhra Pradesh 522201, Ind, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 16.2396339, longitude: 80.6200497, status: 1, android_device_id: cQE2tDLFQyG-iAOrgqqqTe:APA91bGCjyuRtOS6QEehU33g18TD_EowA9n4kGQkbU1-9V5Tw0xQ79qqZ5-NrYo6KAiPMUDquqZ13vLTQkEtiwHOffCVE0t-q_5dCNXicqE5j_HO17jXniW6LW-v2UgSsWBKR4skQyLf, ios_device_id: cQE2tDLFQyG-iAOrgqqqTe:APA91bGCjyuRtOS6QEehU33g18TD_EowA9n4kGQkbU1-9V5Tw0xQ79qqZ5-NrYo6KAiPMUDquqZ13vLTQkEtiwHOffCVE0t-q_5dCNXicqE5j_HO17jXniW6LW-v2UgSsWBKR4skQyLf, created_at: 2024-01-21 18:26:06, updated_at: 2024-01-21 18:26:06, insta_count: 0} Time : 05:35:36 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:35 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:35 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:34 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:34 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:33 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:31 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:24 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:23 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:13 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:12 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:10 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:09 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 05:35:04 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 04:50:28 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'entered email already exist.' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id=User with entered email already exist. Time : 04:49:57 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11410, customer_name: shiv, email_addr: shivjotkaurarneja@gmail.com, phone_num' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11410, customer_name: shiv, email_addr: shivjotkaurarneja@gmail.com, phone_number: 9915861768, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: mohalla no 4, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Jalandhar Cantt, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 31.2884966, longitude: 75.6203283, status: 1, android_device_id: caZoM2yYRV2BopuVpLl-bO:APA91bGU3t2Ez_3JkxA-wABhAFIIKzN9IF6JuFBQXCamagbJmefQs2BSfAbPF8j2cQw930oxRxh8OOjHBLLWaDCswqHeRXuXcJOKvbTKOCckW7Q8sOLNV-bGEz05MRji-l8uuGJtmvoS, ios_device_id: caZoM2yYRV2BopuVpLl-bO:APA91bGU3t2Ez_3JkxA-wABhAFIIKzN9IF6JuFBQXCamagbJmefQs2BSfAbPF8j2cQw930oxRxh8OOjHBLLWaDCswqHeRXuXcJOKvbTKOCckW7Q8sOLNV-bGEz05MRji-l8uuGJtmvoS, created_at: 2024-01-20 21:33:50, updated_at: 2024-01-20 21:33:50, insta_count: 0} Time : 04:46:35 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11410, customer_name: shiv, email_addr: shivjotkaurarneja@gmail.com, phone_num' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11410, customer_name: shiv, email_addr: shivjotkaurarneja@gmail.com, phone_number: 9915861768, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: mohalla no 4, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Jalandhar Cantt, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 31.2884966, longitude: 75.6203283, status: 1, android_device_id: caZoM2yYRV2BopuVpLl-bO:APA91bGU3t2Ez_3JkxA-wABhAFIIKzN9IF6JuFBQXCamagbJmefQs2BSfAbPF8j2cQw930oxRxh8OOjHBLLWaDCswqHeRXuXcJOKvbTKOCckW7Q8sOLNV-bGEz05MRji-l8uuGJtmvoS, ios_device_id: caZoM2yYRV2BopuVpLl-bO:APA91bGU3t2Ez_3JkxA-wABhAFIIKzN9IF6JuFBQXCamagbJmefQs2BSfAbPF8j2cQw930oxRxh8OOjHBLLWaDCswqHeRXuXcJOKvbTKOCckW7Q8sOLNV-bGEz05MRji-l8uuGJtmvoS, created_at: 2024-01-20 21:33:50, updated_at: 2024-01-20 21:33:50, insta_count: 0} Time : 04:46:30 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11410, customer_name: shiv, email_addr: shivjotkaurarneja@gmail.com, phone_num' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11410, customer_name: shiv, email_addr: shivjotkaurarneja@gmail.com, phone_number: 9915861768, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: mohalla no 4, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: Jalandhar Cantt, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 31.2884966, longitude: 75.6203283, status: 1, android_device_id: caZoM2yYRV2BopuVpLl-bO:APA91bGU3t2Ez_3JkxA-wABhAFIIKzN9IF6JuFBQXCamagbJmefQs2BSfAbPF8j2cQw930oxRxh8OOjHBLLWaDCswqHeRXuXcJOKvbTKOCckW7Q8sOLNV-bGEz05MRji-l8uuGJtmvoS, ios_device_id: caZoM2yYRV2BopuVpLl-bO:APA91bGU3t2Ez_3JkxA-wABhAFIIKzN9IF6JuFBQXCamagbJmefQs2BSfAbPF8j2cQw930oxRxh8OOjHBLLWaDCswqHeRXuXcJOKvbTKOCckW7Q8sOLNV-bGEz05MRji-l8uuGJtmvoS, created_at: 2024-01-20 21:33:50, updated_at: 2024-01-20 21:33:50, insta_count: 0} Time : 00:18:50 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11286, customer_name: Sachin , email_addr: mishrasachin46@gmail.com, phone_num' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11286, customer_name: Sachin , email_addr: mishrasachin46@gmail.com, phone_number: 6357292425, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 205, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: HW2J 9FX, Ambawadi, Ketivadi, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat 388120, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 22.5509219, longitude: 72.9310892, status: 1, android_device_id: f5-QMgtUQZahfEbwal_P97:APA91bEBHiKAyZ0GgXtMAb-9MkyVqFsRkqfF8_cFg6jtptxfc6vPzT0r6rzmByIxcSE8ZhgBHb9bU1MvbfFcY9SBRumMc-mArjl8-Kkokc6eHDKpV5b44bNj08HzmJQnJgARUh5aMbds, ios_device_id: f5-QMgtUQZahfEbwal_P97:APA91bEBHiKAyZ0GgXtMAb-9MkyVqFsRkqfF8_cFg6jtptxfc6vPzT0r6rzmByIxcSE8ZhgBHb9bU1MvbfFcY9SBRumMc-mArjl8-Kkokc6eHDKpV5b44bNj08HzmJQnJgARUh5aMbds, created_at: 2024-01-19 15:28:19, updated_at: 2024-01-19 15:28:19, insta_count: 0} Time : 00:18:47 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11286, customer_name: Sachin , email_addr: mishrasachin46@gmail.com, phone_num' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11286, customer_name: Sachin , email_addr: mishrasachin46@gmail.com, phone_number: 6357292425, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 205, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: HW2J 9FX, Ambawadi, Ketivadi, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat 388120, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 22.5509219, longitude: 72.9310892, status: 1, android_device_id: f5-QMgtUQZahfEbwal_P97:APA91bEBHiKAyZ0GgXtMAb-9MkyVqFsRkqfF8_cFg6jtptxfc6vPzT0r6rzmByIxcSE8ZhgBHb9bU1MvbfFcY9SBRumMc-mArjl8-Kkokc6eHDKpV5b44bNj08HzmJQnJgARUh5aMbds, ios_device_id: f5-QMgtUQZahfEbwal_P97:APA91bEBHiKAyZ0GgXtMAb-9MkyVqFsRkqfF8_cFg6jtptxfc6vPzT0r6rzmByIxcSE8ZhgBHb9bU1MvbfFcY9SBRumMc-mArjl8-Kkokc6eHDKpV5b44bNj08HzmJQnJgARUh5aMbds, created_at: 2024-01-19 15:28:19, updated_at: 2024-01-19 15:28:19, insta_count: 0} Time : 00:18:41 SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ': 11286, customer_name: Sachin , email_addr: mishrasachin46@gmail.com, phone_num' at line 1 Raw SQL : SELECT * FROM rt_bookings_pt_ft WHERE booking_status='Advance Paid' and user_id={id: 11286, customer_name: Sachin , email_addr: mishrasachin46@gmail.com, phone_number: 6357292425, new_user: 0, pswd: , customer_address: 205, customer_area: , landmark: null, city: HW2J 9FX, Ambawadi, Ketivadi, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat 388120, India, state: 0, zip_code: null, latitude: 22.5509219, longitude: 72.9310892, status: 1, android_device_id: f5-QMgtUQZahfEbwal_P97:APA91bEBHiKAyZ0GgXtMAb-9MkyVqFsRkqfF8_cFg6jtptxfc6vPzT0r6rzmByIxcSE8ZhgBHb9bU1MvbfFcY9SBRumMc-mArjl8-Kkokc6eHDKpV5b44bNj08HzmJQnJgARUh5aMbds, ios_device_id: f5-QMgtUQZahfEbwal_P97:APA91bEBHiKAyZ0GgXtMAb-9MkyVqFsRkqfF8_cFg6jtptxfc6vPzT0r6rzmByIxcSE8ZhgBHb9bU1MvbfFcY9SBRumMc-mArjl8-Kkokc6eHDKpV5b44bNj08HzmJQnJgARUh5aMbds, created_at: 2024-01-19 15:28:19, updated_at: 2024-01-19 15:28:19, insta_count: 0}